Tag Archives: no doubt

mumbly jumbly


I promised myself to start blogging again… in the regular fashion I keep saying I will do it.

Thank you Brandi for the inspiration.  I cannot believe how you managed to blog during your move!  You blogged more during your move than I do on a regular basis.

Tonight I blog for self-indulgent reasons.  I find a calm in typing out my drama.  I find a way to think thru my drama and make sense of the mumbly jumbly nonsense in my brain while I tick away at my keyboard.  Tonight I just wanted to “hear my own voice” as it were.

I am standing at my computer.  Why?  Because I went to my first weight watchers meeting today and they happily pointed out that sitting around is just one of my issues…  Loved the title “Breaking up with your chair”.  So I am venturing out in my world of sitting to do and standing to do instead.

When I stood up to type my blog I was feeling a bit despondent… but with a lot of typing, re-typing, deleting, re-typing, re-deleting and sorting thru that mumbly jumbly in my brain… well the mood to vent has passed.  Now I just want to say a few things that I learned today.

Today I learned:

Some of the melodramatics in my house can be laid at my feet… SOME anyway.

I like rules.

I like check off lists… not as much as Alyssa, but still.

I want my kids (not just my four but my extended children and DUIC) to belong and to be-liked.

I don’t like myself very much when I feel I have made someone feel like they don’t belong and they aren’t be-liked.

I want my church and my family to be a place where the unlovable are loved and everyone has no doubt in their minds that they belong and are be-liked.

Did I mention that sometimes I want to belong and be-liked?  (back to the melodramatic moments of my day).

I also learned that I like making up words!

Tonight I pray you have found God’s unshakeable acceptance and that you KNOW that you KNOW that you KNOW that YOU BELONG TO HIM!!

lots of be-liking from me to you!