Monthly Archives: August 2012

weighty matters


Things I don’t mind you knowing about me:

I strongly believe that raisins ruin many baked goods, like carrot cake and oatmeal cookies.

I am going to be 40 this year… no hang ups on announcing my age to the world.

I don’t get on Facebook very much at all (not even once a week sometimes).

I won’t vote for Obama in the upcoming election.

I think it is a matter of salvation that you are baptized for the forgiveness of sins.

I think it is important that you work on living to Christ’s standard for your life.

I have read The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy MANY times, as an adult.

I struggle with gossip.

I take prozac and suffer from depression.

I started my family when I was 19 and unmarried.

LOVE having a nice glass of red wine.

I love coffee (guess that is out already).

Good news is God already knows all of that and some stuff I didn’t tell you.  Bad news… I have been holding back on letting God deal with something that weighs heavy on my heart.

If you are in my Sunday morning ladies Bible class you will know what I mean when I say that I have finally uncovered my Nineveh, I have come out from below decks and am asking to be thrown into the sea!

So here goes.


I weigh 199.6.

I HATE exercise.

I LOVE food!

There I put that out there.

God has been calling me to deal with my weight, my self-discipline and my self-control.  I feel one big thing He wants from me is to just put myself out there and stop hiding.  So I am gonna go to press with my weight loss journey.

If I do nothing else on my blog, I WILL blog every Tuesday.  Last week I told you I went to my first Weight Watcher’s meeting.  Today I went to my second.  Here are my results, which I just promised to show you every week, even if I hide behind a pillow when I hit “publish”:

at least it didn’t go up my first week!

In front of God and everybody else:

I am committing to attending weight watchers until Nov 20th.

I am committing to earnestly pray for all of my food, exercise and health choices.

I am committing to blogging all of my results… the good, the bad and the ugly.

I am committing to allowing God access to this dark corner of myself!

I will blog more about this choice and the convictions I feel God has placed on my heart later.  For tonight, for now… “one small step” at a time.

Thank you Tawnia for sharing your weight watcher’s experience so openly.  It makes a big difference to see you succeed and to know there is someone out there working on it.  Thank you for answering my personal questions so willingly!

Thank u readers for letting me share things with you that I am sure you don’t really want to know.  I suppose I will have to give you TMI alerts from now on!

Gonna go use the last of my plus points for the day!!

Love and Hugs,




mumbly jumbly


I promised myself to start blogging again… in the regular fashion I keep saying I will do it.

Thank you Brandi for the inspiration.  I cannot believe how you managed to blog during your move!  You blogged more during your move than I do on a regular basis.

Tonight I blog for self-indulgent reasons.  I find a calm in typing out my drama.  I find a way to think thru my drama and make sense of the mumbly jumbly nonsense in my brain while I tick away at my keyboard.  Tonight I just wanted to “hear my own voice” as it were.

I am standing at my computer.  Why?  Because I went to my first weight watchers meeting today and they happily pointed out that sitting around is just one of my issues…  Loved the title “Breaking up with your chair”.  So I am venturing out in my world of sitting to do and standing to do instead.

When I stood up to type my blog I was feeling a bit despondent… but with a lot of typing, re-typing, deleting, re-typing, re-deleting and sorting thru that mumbly jumbly in my brain… well the mood to vent has passed.  Now I just want to say a few things that I learned today.

Today I learned:

Some of the melodramatics in my house can be laid at my feet… SOME anyway.

I like rules.

I like check off lists… not as much as Alyssa, but still.

I want my kids (not just my four but my extended children and DUIC) to belong and to be-liked.

I don’t like myself very much when I feel I have made someone feel like they don’t belong and they aren’t be-liked.

I want my church and my family to be a place where the unlovable are loved and everyone has no doubt in their minds that they belong and are be-liked.

Did I mention that sometimes I want to belong and be-liked?  (back to the melodramatic moments of my day).

I also learned that I like making up words!

Tonight I pray you have found God’s unshakeable acceptance and that you KNOW that you KNOW that you KNOW that YOU BELONG TO HIM!!

lots of be-liking from me to you!

getting into the groove


Summer is nearly over.

The running around of summer… not quite.

When I got out of bed this morning my intent was to start getting back into my school year routine. Get all my ducks in a row and get motivated to get moving… now I am wanting to crawl back into bed and hide. I was sitting sipping my coffee and a certain young lady saunters over and we get to talking. I found out that we have a little different idea about what we should be doing during these last precious moments of summer.

The kids and I have different thoughts in regards to what the last few weeks of summer should be. I think I need to start back to a schedule and get focused on what this school year will hold for us. The kids are thinking they need to squeeze the very last drop of summer out of the days that are slipping past them.

What does that mean…

it means that I need to:
do school shopping
arrange all of the appointments we need to have done before we are fighting with school schedules…
it means I am tired (just thinking about it all) and I want to hide away with my family and just enjoy the calm before the storm

it means the kids want to:
go to the beach,
have sleepovers,
watch movies,
stay up late,
sleep in later,
run around my back yard conducting “science experiments”,
go to Busch Gardens,
go camping,
go shopping for everything BUT school paper,

it means
I will not be hiding away in my house.
I will be jumping into the school year AND finishing up the summer at the same time…
